Boliden Jaw Crusher

Jaw crusher bearing monitoring with SPM HD

Mining operations include a number of critical applications that may cause severe disruptions in the production process in case of malfunctions. One such piece of equipment is the jaw crusher.

Over a four-month period, test measurements were made on a jaw crusher in the Boliden Renström underground mine in northern Sweden. Located at a depth of 840 meters, this heavy-duty machine crushes ore at a normal operating speed of 181 RPM.

This case study describes the condition monitoring setup and findings during the test period. Through the use of a software “crushing filter”, disturbances from the crushing process on the measurements were filtered out. Multiple band values were used to distinguish the bearing frequencies from the strong modulation components.

During the trial period, two small outer race damages were detected. Due to the early stage of the damages, no actions were taken but the online system remains in place and close monitoring of the development of these damages continues.

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Case Study
Filename/description Language Size Modified
CS_012B_JawCrusher_Boliden_SE.pdf English (United Kingdom) 1 MB 12/2/2014
A Jaw Crusher Application in the Mining Industry by Tim Sundström. This case study describes the condition monitoring setup and findings on a jaw crusher (crushing ore at a normal operating speed of 181 RPM) located at a depth of 840 meters in the Boliden Renström underground mine in northern Sweden.
CS_012E_JawCrusher_Boliden_SE.pdf Spanish (Spain, International Sort) 1 MB 1/27/2023
Una aplicación de trituradora de mandíbula en la industria minera por Tim Sundström. Este estudio de caso describe la configuración del monitoreo de condición y los hallazgos en una trituradora de mandíbula (que tritura el mineral a una velocidad operativa normal de 181 RPM) ubicada a una profundidad de 840 metros en la mina subterránea Boliden Renström en el norte de Suecia.

Solutions for the mining industry

Our product range is specifically suited for the heavy mining industry where condition monitoring equipment must survive mechanical and environmental forces.

Intellinova Compact

Intellinova Compact is a high-performance system, well suited for remote monitoring or industrial environments with measuring points in spread-out clusters.

HD Technologies

Condition monitoring with High Definition (HD) technologies provides extremely long pre-warning times, thus maximizing the planning horizon for maintenance and repairs.